1- Novel Recommendation is due April 27th For book title ideas you could visit
2 - Room 7 Treat Day - April 5th
3 - We are going to Nose Hill on Friday April 1st - we will be using this day to scout out our Shelter Sites. Parent Volunteers are welcome to join us. Please email if you'd like to come.
Wear layers, sturdy walking shoes, water bottle and extra snacks. Bring your back pack and you might want a toque for the morning.
4 - All students have some math homework - please see yesterday's blog entry.
5 - Grade 5 tessellations due Wednesday.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Tough Cookie
1 - MATH-
Mrs. Saunders' math group - This is for adding and subtracting integers.
Mrs. Lim and Lee's math class questions due tomorrow:
3 - Room 7 Treat Day - April 5th
4 - Simon Fraser Transition Day for all Grade 6s - 9:00 - 2:00 on Thursday March 31- Lunch will be served :-)
5 - We are going to Nose Hill on Friday April 1st - we will be using this day to scout out our Shelter Sites. Parent Volunteers are welcome to join us. Please email if you'd like to come.
What did you learn today?
We had a guest speaker today for chemistry - it was Rachel Kidd, Mrs. Kidd's daughter.
How did you show what you learned?
We got a chance to ask questions and share our knowledge about Classroom Chemistry with her.
What do you need to learn next?
We look forward to reading the book she donated to our school. We also got excited about taking chemistry in high school and university.
1 - MATH-
Mrs. Saunders' math group - This is for adding and subtracting integers.
Mrs. Lim and Lee's math class questions due tomorrow:
(hint: use the formula V = l x w h to solve your questions!)
1. If the volume of a box is 1400 cm3 and its base is 40 cm2, what is the box's height?
2. Solve for the unknown number:
a) 390cm3 = 65cm x 2 cm x w
What is w?
b) 48cm3= 12 cm2 x h
What is h?
c) 4 cm x A = 84 cm3
What is A?
Mr. P's math group - both sides of the first page of the booklet
2 Novel Recommendation is due April 27th For book title ideas you could visit
3 - Room 7 Treat Day - April 5th
4 - Simon Fraser Transition Day for all Grade 6s - 9:00 - 2:00 on Thursday March 31- Lunch will be served :-)
5 - We are going to Nose Hill on Friday April 1st - we will be using this day to scout out our Shelter Sites. Parent Volunteers are welcome to join us. Please email if you'd like to come.
What did you learn today?
We had a guest speaker today for chemistry - it was Rachel Kidd, Mrs. Kidd's daughter.
How did you show what you learned?
We got a chance to ask questions and share our knowledge about Classroom Chemistry with her.
What do you need to learn next?
We look forward to reading the book she donated to our school. We also got excited about taking chemistry in high school and university.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
1 - Novel Recommendation is due April 27th For book title ideas you could visit - Room 7 Treat Day - April 5th
3 - Simon Fraser Transition Day for all Grade 6s - 9:00 - 2:00 on Thursday March 31
4 - We are going to Nose Hill on Friday April 1st - we will be using this day to scout out our Shelter Sites. Parent Volunteers are welcome to join us. Please email if you'd like to come.
5 - We are having Rachel Kidd come and talk to us about Chemistry. Please come up with one question you'd like to ask her.
6 - MATH - Mrs. Saunders' math group has a page of math homework about integers. Ms. Lim's math group needs to look up Pi. Mr. P's Math group has a booklet that needs to be finished.
What did you learn today?
We have had two student teachers join our class from the University of Calgary. Their names are Ms. Herzawy and Ms. Coram.
How did you show what you learned?
We welcomed them to our class and look forward to having them teach us some lessons.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to work with the student teachers so they can learn what it means to be a teacher.
Every March we celebrate
Women’s History month. During Women’s History Month we celebrate the
acheivements of women throughout history. On March 19, 1911, a women named
Clara zetkin created the first International Women’s Day. She wanted to promote
womens rights and promote piece. In the 1970’s, schools in California started
celebrating women’s History Week. In 1981, Congress declared the second week of
March Women’s History week across the country. Then, in 1987, Congress made all
of March Women’s History Month. Now we can look back and see what great things
women has done through out the years.
1 - Novel Recommendation is due April 27th For book title ideas you could visit - Room 7 Treat Day - April 5th
3 - Simon Fraser Transition Day for all Grade 6s - 9:00 - 2:00 on Thursday March 31
4 - We are going to Nose Hill on Friday April 1st - we will be using this day to scout out our Shelter Sites. Parent Volunteers are welcome to join us. Please email if you'd like to come.
5 - We are having Rachel Kidd come and talk to us about Chemistry. Please come up with one question you'd like to ask her.
6 - MATH - Mrs. Saunders' math group has a page of math homework about integers. Ms. Lim's math group needs to look up Pi. Mr. P's Math group has a booklet that needs to be finished.
What did you learn today?
We have had two student teachers join our class from the University of Calgary. Their names are Ms. Herzawy and Ms. Coram.
How did you show what you learned?
We welcomed them to our class and look forward to having them teach us some lessons.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to work with the student teachers so they can learn what it means to be a teacher.
Assigned: Tues., Mar. 29 à Due: Thurs., Mar. 31
Rewrite the following paragraphs making any
corrections that are necessary (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.):
painting on the ceeling of the Sistine chapel is one of the most famous
paintings in the world. It was paint by Michelangelo. He was an artist during
the renaissance. Michelangelo was born on March 6 1475. He grew up in Italy and
always knew he wanted to be a painter. michelangelos father wanted him to go to
school, but Michelangelo studyed with famous Italian artists and sculptors
instead. He ended up becoming one of the most wellknown painters and sculptors
of all time. His most famous works are the hug work he painted on the ceiling
of the Sistine chapel and his statue, David.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Happy Spring Break!
1 - Have a wonderful break with your friends and family.
2 - Bring home recorders and music. Videotape yourself playing 3 belt songs over Spring Break and email to Mrs. Lim at If possible, title your video with your name, room number, grade, and the belt you are testing for.
What did you learn today?
We worked on our team work skills during gym. We gave them 6 pieces of equipment to get their entire team to the other side of the gym.
How did you show what you learned?
We worked as a team to get across the gym without touching the ground.
What do you need to learn next?
We want to apply these skills during our relay games after the break or maybe square dancing ;-)
1 - Have a wonderful break with your friends and family.
2 - Bring home recorders and music. Videotape yourself playing 3 belt songs over Spring Break and email to Mrs. Lim at If possible, title your video with your name, room number, grade, and the belt you are testing for.
Check for more details.
3 - Novel Recommendation is due April 27th For book title ideas you could visit
4 - Science Due dates and Project timeline:
Science Device: finished tomorrow: Thursday, March 17
Science Device Presentation: Tuesday, March 29-Wed, March 30
Science Device Write up: Due when you present. You may want to work on it over March Break
Title Page: Due Thursday, March 31 marked and stapled neatly with all your Science notes from the electricity unit
Email Question and Answer due March 31 (we should be emailing back and forth by now so I can help you improve your answers)
What did you learn today?
We worked on our team work skills during gym. We gave them 6 pieces of equipment to get their entire team to the other side of the gym.
How did you show what you learned?
We worked as a team to get across the gym without touching the ground.
What do you need to learn next?
We want to apply these skills during our relay games after the break or maybe square dancing ;-)
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Cliffhanger at COP
1 - Novel Recommendation is due April 27th For book title ideas you could visit
2 - Wear Green(ish)
3 - Angles and Polygons due tomorrow
4 - POW and Edit Fun due tomorrow
5 - Science Due dates and Project timeline:
Check out if you have time.
What did you learn today?
We learned the word antidisestablishmentarianism from Mr. O. It means the people who are against the people who are against the government.
How did you show what you learned?
We used this word in our spelling list.
What do you need to learn next?
We would like more tricky words like this.
1 - Novel Recommendation is due April 27th For book title ideas you could visit
2 - Wear Green(ish)
3 - Angles and Polygons due tomorrow
4 - POW and Edit Fun due tomorrow
5 - Science Due dates and Project timeline:
Science Device: finished tomorrow: Thursday, March 17
Science Device Presentation: Tuesday, March 29-Wed, March 30
Science Device Write up: Due when you present. You may want to work on it over March Break
Title Page: Due Thursday, March 31 marked and stapled neatly with all your Science notes from the electricity unit
Email Question and Answer due March 31 (we should be emailing back and forth by now so I can help you improve your answers)
Check out if you have time.
What did you learn today?
We learned the word antidisestablishmentarianism from Mr. O. It means the people who are against the people who are against the government.
How did you show what you learned?
We used this word in our spelling list.
What do you need to learn next?
We would like more tricky words like this.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Cell phones vs toilets?
1 - Science device materials
2 - No School Friday - Spring Break
What did you learn today?
We learned how to filter and clean water in multiple ways.
Did you know.... more people have access to cell phones than toilets?
How did you show what you learned?
We made devices to either transport or filter water. We made these out of pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks and playdoh. We had a presenter from CAWST take us through a water workshop.
What do you need to learn next?
We would like to look into some more opportunities to help people have clean water all over the world.
Does you like to “reach out and touch someone” by fone. You can thank Alexander graham bell! Bell was born in scotland on March 3 1847. When he was a boy, he designs a machine that cleaned wheat. Later when he was a teacher of the def, Bell developed the idea of “electronic speech.” He sent his first message to his assistant, Mr. Watson, who was in the next room always an inventor, Bells house even had simple air conditioning!
1 - Science device materials
2 - No School Friday - Spring Break
What did you learn today?
We learned how to filter and clean water in multiple ways.
Did you know.... more people have access to cell phones than toilets?
How did you show what you learned?
We made devices to either transport or filter water. We made these out of pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks and playdoh. We had a presenter from CAWST take us through a water workshop.
What do you need to learn next?
We would like to look into some more opportunities to help people have clean water all over the world.
Does you like to “reach out and touch someone” by fone. You can thank Alexander graham bell! Bell was born in scotland on March 3 1847. When he was a boy, he designs a machine that cleaned wheat. Later when he was a teacher of the def, Bell developed the idea of “electronic speech.” He sent his first message to his assistant, Mr. Watson, who was in the next room always an inventor, Bells house even had simple air conditioning!
Weekly Words:
Weekly Exercises:
– 4
- 4
– 5
a synonym – 2
some letters blank – 4
and share – 4
Monday, March 14, 2016
Sleepy Time Change
1 - No school Friday AND Thursday is 'Wear Green Day'
2 - Polygons and Angles project and 3D creature project are due Wednesday
What did you learn today?
We learned how to create and use a short circuit.
How did you show what you learned?
We made a short circuit by using an extra wire.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to use a short circuit in our project because it is helpful to turn it off.
1 - No school Friday AND Thursday is 'Wear Green Day'
2 - Polygons and Angles project and 3D creature project are due Wednesday
What did you learn today?
We learned how to create and use a short circuit.
How did you show what you learned?
We made a short circuit by using an extra wire.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to use a short circuit in our project because it is helpful to turn it off.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Stories and Shelters
1 - Miss Stephure's math group - 3D math project due Wednesday
2 - Mrs. Saunders' math group - Art POW due end of day Monday
3 - Workshop from CAWST on Tuesday - we are building technology to filter water.
4 - Short week next week
What did you learn today?
We learned Whispering Woods was very dirty.
How did you show what you learned?
We worked in a team and used rubber gloves and plastic bags to clean up garbage that had collected over the winter.
What do you need to learn next?
We want to apply our stewardship we used today and not litter in Whispering Woods (or anywhere for that matter.)
1 - Miss Stephure's math group - 3D math project due Wednesday
2 - Mrs. Saunders' math group - Art POW due end of day Monday
3 - Workshop from CAWST on Tuesday - we are building technology to filter water.
4 - Short week next week
What did you learn today?
We learned Whispering Woods was very dirty.
How did you show what you learned?
We worked in a team and used rubber gloves and plastic bags to clean up garbage that had collected over the winter.
What do you need to learn next?
We want to apply our stewardship we used today and not litter in Whispering Woods (or anywhere for that matter.)
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Amazing Day, Amazing Kids!
1 - Fresh Air Friday tomorrow - come dressed prepared for the weather and don't forget your shelter building materials. We will be sharing our shelters with our little buddies.
2 - Scholastic Book Orders due Monday March 14
3 - This message is for parents of grade 6 students: Simon Fraser School’s Open House for grade 7 is Thursday, March 10 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm
What did you learn today?
We had another amazing day at COP. Students continued to progress and have lots of fun. We heard from the COP staff what a pleasure our students have been to work with over these last 3 days. Students showed excellent character, determination and care for each other and their coaches. It has been a wonderful 3 days.
How did you show what you learned?
We worked with our friends and coaches to challenge ourselves and to try new things and learn new skills.
What do you need to learn next?
We would love to go skiing/snowboarding again :-)
1 - Fresh Air Friday tomorrow - come dressed prepared for the weather and don't forget your shelter building materials. We will be sharing our shelters with our little buddies.
2 - Scholastic Book Orders due Monday March 14
3 - This message is for parents of grade 6 students: Simon Fraser School’s Open House for grade 7 is Thursday, March 10 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm
Today at COP, the winds picked up and for safety purposes, the chairlifts had to be shut down on several occasions. Some Dr E.W. Coffin students were on the west chairlift when it stopped. The lift took some time to get started up again (approximately 15 min). The staff at COP got the lift going again and our students arrived safely at the bottom of the hill. We wanted to assure you that the safety of our students was the main concern of the Dr. E.W. Coffin staff and the instructors and ski school staff at the hill. Mr. Pedenko and Mrs. Saunders were in contact with the group in the lower part of the chairlift while they were waiting and the group that were stopped on the next chair uphill were with their instructor. There were also some students at the very top of the chair lift who were with their instructor or within one chair of their instructor. Students really enjoyed their lessons and experience at the hill!
What did you learn today?
We had another amazing day at COP. Students continued to progress and have lots of fun. We heard from the COP staff what a pleasure our students have been to work with over these last 3 days. Students showed excellent character, determination and care for each other and their coaches. It has been a wonderful 3 days.
How did you show what you learned?
We worked with our friends and coaches to challenge ourselves and to try new things and learn new skills.
What do you need to learn next?
We would love to go skiing/snowboarding again :-)
Tuesday, March 08, 2016
Great Day at the Hill!
1 - Please bring materials to build your 3D creature and/or your 3D geometric model.
2 - Please work on your next Karate Recorder Belt’s song. If taking a video of yourself please entitle it FirstNameLastNameGradeRoom#ColourBelt and then mail it to yourself. You can transfer to Mrs. Lim’s Dropbox 3 at school during music class.
3 - If you'd like please feel free to bring some money for a small snack to purchase at the concession stand at COP. Still bring your regular lunch as the lunch line up times can take a while and we don't want to take away from your lessons.
4 - This message is for parents of grade 6 students: Simon Fraser School’s Open House for grade 7 is Thursday, March 10 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm
What did you learn today?
We had a wonderful and successful day of skiing/snowboarding today.
How did you show what you learned?
Students participated in small groups with their coaches and learned a variety of skills at their own level.
What do you need to learn next?
We look forward to going back to COP tomorrow for our second day of lessons. Some of us will have different coaches and some of us will be working on a new level tomorrow.
We had a wonderful day at COP as a class today. Students were all well prepared and experienced lots of success with their group. We are very excited to go back again tomorrow!
1 - Please bring materials to build your 3D creature and/or your 3D geometric model.
2 - Please work on your next Karate Recorder Belt’s song. If taking a video of yourself please entitle it FirstNameLastNameGradeRoom#ColourBelt and then mail it to yourself. You can transfer to Mrs. Lim’s Dropbox 3 at school during music class.
3 - If you'd like please feel free to bring some money for a small snack to purchase at the concession stand at COP. Still bring your regular lunch as the lunch line up times can take a while and we don't want to take away from your lessons.
4 - This message is for parents of grade 6 students: Simon Fraser School’s Open House for grade 7 is Thursday, March 10 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm
What did you learn today?
We had a wonderful and successful day of skiing/snowboarding today.
How did you show what you learned?
Students participated in small groups with their coaches and learned a variety of skills at their own level.
What do you need to learn next?
We look forward to going back to COP tomorrow for our second day of lessons. Some of us will have different coaches and some of us will be working on a new level tomorrow.
We had a wonderful day at COP as a class today. Students were all well prepared and experienced lots of success with their group. We are very excited to go back again tomorrow!
Monday, March 07, 2016
Let it Snow!!!
We are headed to COP tomorrow morning for the first of our 3 day ski/snowboard lessons.
We have discussed the items below with the students today and watched the helpful video from COP.
Things to bring:
Backpack, Litterless Lunch, Snacks, Water bottle, Layered clothing, Sun glasses/Goggles and sunscreen. It may be wet and slushy due to the warmer weather, so make sure to wear water resistant clothing and/or bring extra clothes in your back pack. Also, COP staff have recommended wearing a long sleeved T-Shirt under your outer layers due to the much warmer weather.
COP have provided a few resources for you to look at if you’re interested:
Thanks for the Visual reminder Grace F.
Friday, March 04, 2016
Shelter Building
1 -Practice songs for your next Karate Recorder Belt. Link here:
3 - Email Ms. Cowdy
What did you learn today?
We learned about what makes the best location for our shelter.
How did you show what you learned?
We had to determine whether we want to switch our shelter location or keep it where we originally choose. We then used our tarps, rope and materials we could find in Whispering Woods to build our prototype.
What do you need to learn next?
We want to re-build our shelter and spend our day working in there. We need to learn how to tie knots that will keep our tarps up and we look forward to applying what we are learning to a potential site at Nose Hill.

1 -Practice songs for your next Karate Recorder Belt. Link here:
Any videos of you earning your belt should be emailed to your CBE address, transferred to Desktop, and then placed in Mrs. Lim’s Dropbox 3.
2 - Our ski/snowboard days will begin on Tuesday. Please come prepared on those days with snacks, lunch, water and appropriate clothing.3 - Email Ms. Cowdy
What did you learn today?
We learned about what makes the best location for our shelter.
How did you show what you learned?
We had to determine whether we want to switch our shelter location or keep it where we originally choose. We then used our tarps, rope and materials we could find in Whispering Woods to build our prototype.
What do you need to learn next?
We want to re-build our shelter and spend our day working in there. We need to learn how to tie knots that will keep our tarps up and we look forward to applying what we are learning to a potential site at Nose Hill.

Thursday, March 03, 2016
Architectural Designing and 3D Creatures
1 - Bring a rope and/or tarp for tomorrow. Also, dress appropriately for tomorrow's weather.
2 - Email Ms. Cowdy
3 - We are skiing next Tuesday. Start thinking about appropriate clothing for the 3 days.
What did you learn today?
We learned about different types of Henna.
How did you show what you learned?
We attended the 3/4 Learning Fair and we got to draw on paper hands to try it out.
What do you need to learn next?
We would like to learn more about Indian weddings and different traditions.
1 - Bring a rope and/or tarp for tomorrow. Also, dress appropriately for tomorrow's weather.
2 - Email Ms. Cowdy
3 - We are skiing next Tuesday. Start thinking about appropriate clothing for the 3 days.
What did you learn today?
We learned about different types of Henna.
How did you show what you learned?
We attended the 3/4 Learning Fair and we got to draw on paper hands to try it out.
What do you need to learn next?
We would like to learn more about Indian weddings and different traditions.
Wednesday, March 02, 2016
1 - Thursday is Treat Day (again) - Bring your quarters
2 - Periodic Table art due Thursday
3 - Bring a rope and tarp by Friday if you have any spares
What did you learn today?
We learned a new game in gym - Swim Fishy Swim
How did you show what you learned?
We played it.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to learn how to play it without whacking each other too hard. We would like to try and play it again.
Edit Fun due tomorrow
1 - Thursday is Treat Day (again) - Bring your quarters
2 - Periodic Table art due Thursday
3 - Bring a rope and tarp by Friday if you have any spares
4 - Fun Lunch tomorrow
What did you learn today?
We learned a new game in gym - Swim Fishy Swim
How did you show what you learned?
We played it.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to learn how to play it without whacking each other too hard. We would like to try and play it again.
Edit Fun due tomorrow
persons a person, no matter how small said author and illustrater Theodor
Geisel. geisels first book for children, and to think That i Saw It on mulberry
street, was rejected by 27 publishers before it was printed. Geisel, who was
born on march 2 1904, was also know as dr Seuss. He published the cat in the Hat
at a time where many childrens books were dull since then, millions of dr Seuss
books has been sold!
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