Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Hula, Hula Hoop

1 - Science Title Page and Electricity question - Due Friday
2 - Fun Lunch Form - Due April 7th
3 - Math - Mr. Ps - second page in ratio booklet due
Mrs. S - Real life examples of integers
4 - Novel Recommendation -due April 27th (see yesterday's post if you are unsure what you need to include)
5 - Photography residency begins tomorrow.

What did you learn today?
We learned the hula-hoop relay race in gym today. It was our student teachers' second lesson.  
How did you show what you learned?
We needed to hold hands in a circle and move the hula hoop all the way around the circle without letting it touch the ground. We worked as a team and tried to beat our previous time. 
What do you need to learn next?
We could try a new technique so we can be faster. We look forward to learning more relay races and having the student teachers teach us more lessons.