Thursday, October 19, 2017

EDO Fun Lunch - Teacher, Student and Parent

1) FAF tomorrow - we are walking over to the pond to observe animal habitats and possibly do some pond dipping - What could still be visible under the surface of the water?
Come dressed for the weather and in layers and with good walking shoes! Bring a water bottle and an extra snack.
2) Grade 6 WE Club members from 2016-2017 will be attending WE Day on Nov. 1st. Stay tuned for field trip information and forms.
3) Treat day next week - Oct. 24

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We had our first math quiz today. It was about angles, lines and polygons.
How did you show what you learned?
We complete the quiz in 35 minutes. We worked on our own and asked questions if we were unsure. We did all the questions we knew first and then went back to the ones we were unsure of. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will get our marks back from Mrs. Saunders and start our next math unit.... what's our next math unit????