Thursday, February 01, 2018

Bendy Paper Challenge

1 - Grade 6s - consider practicing your typing each day if you want to type the PAT in May.
2 - School Science Fair is on Wednesday Feb. 7th - viewing in the am and judging in the pm
3 - Ratio HW - Page 3 - please make sure you ask if you aren't understanding something
4 - Yoga starts next week
5 - Fraser Option Forms are due on Tuesday morning – no extensions 
Simon Fraser Open House afternoon – Thursday March 8th
Simon Fraser Parent Open House evening – Thursday March 8th 6:30 pm
6 - Come dressed for the weather tomorrow - hopefully we will get some outside time. 

Note from Patrick (our student teacher):
1) Here is another robot-themed game that provides a VERY good and basic introduction to some basic programming concepts.  
Students will be using loops extensively, so this gives a good visual guide to the basics.

2) In a few weeks we will begin our work with Robotics. To give coding a try, have a look at this:
Remember - don't think 'I can't do this!!!!!' think, 'I need to try again!' or 'I don't get it yet!'
Patrick suggested that You can try Manufactoria too -

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned about the job of a foley artist - this is a person who makes sound effects during a movie or videos.
How did you show what you learned?
We were given instruments and created footsteps, emotions and the weather. 
What do you need to learn next?
We are going to make our own short films.