Invitations to the Farewell went home today!
1) Grade 6 please be working through Exam Bank questions to prepare for your June PATs We recently purchased another set of logins. Students have been using the exam bank practice tests and we are happy to know they are being well used.
login - ewcoffin
password - coffin
this is italics or italicized printing - it is used when an author wants words to stand out or to be highlighted, maybe a word of interest and could be used for different thoughts.
Cliche - this is an overused expression which is losing its meaning. Cheating is Lame could be considered one.
PAT Review - Social and Science Review packages are ready for you to take home and use to study. We are also sending home your old duo-tangs from last year to help refresh your memory. It is expected that you study a little every night.
2) Novel Recommendation - we got through 2 today :-)
3) This Friday is a PD Day! No School for Students
4) If you'd like to enter an entry for the YYCs Young Citizen Scientist please see Mrs. Saunders.
5) June 13th is our next Spirit Day. The theme will be Beach Day.
6) Grade 6 - bring in a baby picture or a picture of when you are younger for the Guess Who? farewell video - due next Wednesday