1 - Math Homework is due tomorrow - Page 3 - #1, Page 4 - all, Page 5 - all
2 - Cheque Writing Campaign is due by Monday
3 - Photo Orders are due - Nov. 6th Retakes are on Nov. 7th
4 - Tomorrow is Halloween - No candy or treats need to be brought for your child's classroom to school tomorrow.
Halloween costume expectations and parade details – be respectful of the costumes you are choosing for your child to wear to school We also discourage violent type or extremely scary costumes. Do not bring all of the props or extra items that go along with your costume. Leave props at home. The Halloween parade will start at about 1:20 pm.
5 - Math Quiz needs to be signed
6 - Social Studies Map needs to be signed
7 - Colouring of the Regions Map is due tomorrow
8 - No school for students on Friday
9 - Nov. 11th - will be a day off for Remembrance Day
10 - Healthy Hunger form came home this week - Please log in to order your monthly hot lunches
Save the Date -
Monday Nov. 25 - we will be going on a Field Trip to the New Central Library. We will have a presentation from Bob McDonald from Quirks and Quarks. We will have lunch there and then tour the library in smaller groups. We will need parent volunteers so please e mail your classroom teacher to let them know you can come mlsaunders@cbe.ab.ca or vipedenko@cbe.ab.ca
Ask Me About:
Literacy - Ask me about What a Wonderful Day...
Also - ask me about the Author/Illustrator Visit from Jace and Henry! They will be back on Dec. 4th to share their Christmas book too.
Math - ask me about expanded, standard and word form to display numbers
Social - ask me about the ABCs of Non-Fiction text