The 'Souper Can' is the award for the classroom with the most collected items! Who will win the prize this year?
1 - Math Quiz needs to be signed
2 - Social Studies Map needs to be signed
3 - Science Fair meeting is Wednesday at 12:25
4 - Grade 3-6 guitar club is starting on Thursday next week
5 - Bring in your FOOD BANK items!!!!! We will collect until next Wednesday.
6 - Mark your calendars - we are going on a field trip to the Central Library on Monday Nov. 25 - all day. We will need Volunteers in order to be able to go. Please let your classroom teacher know if you are able to volunteer. or
7 - No School on Monday - Remembrance Day
8 - We will have an author visit on Nov. 14 in the morning
9 - Fun lunch is on Thursday Nov. 14
Ask Me About:
LA: Ask me about ellipses ...
Math: Ask me about What Number Am I puzzles and how I felt during our first math test.
Social: Ask me about the National and Provincial parks in the different regions of Canada.
Science: Ask me about my "What a Wonderful Day..." writing and art and science assignment.