Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Salty-Sand Separation

Agenda Items:

1) Teachers' Convention is Thursday and Friday
2) Monday is Family Day - we will see you back at school on Tuesday
3) Bring your Stuffy Day is Feb. 19th - it can be no larger than your desk. 
4) Feb. 20th in the morning - Tentative Solar Car Visit
5) Treat Day is Feb. 25 
Pink Shirt Day is on Feb. 26
6) Alien In Line Skating is coming to our school - Feb. 24-27

FYI - Chess Club starts next week 

Ask Me About:
Literacy: Ask me why there was pancakes and Owls everywhere?

Math: Ask me about how to compare decimals?

Social: Ask me about First Nations' symbolism?

Science: Ask me the best way to separate salt from sand? Also, ask me about some of the safety rules in a Science Lab?

Please Read the Important Message Below - 
Parents of students in grades 4, 5 and 6 have received the Accountability Survey from the Alberta Government. We encourage you to complete the survey and return it to Alberta Education. To date we have only 4% of our parent responses returned.  
Your voice matters. Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of education your child is receiving. We also use the information gathered from the survey to inform our School Development plan each year. Please contact Mrs. Polski if you have questions about the survey.