Our rosy cheeks are a great sign of the fun we had on this perfect Canadian Winter Day.
2 - Our Outdoor School on May 2 - May 5th seems far away but we wanted to give you a reminder about these dates and that you can be paying for this overnight field trip online and in installments over the next few months if you would prefer. There will be an informative parent meeting about 1 month prior to our departure so please watch for information about this in the next month or so.
3 - Novel Recommendation is due Feb. 27th - next Monday
4 - Just a heads up - Grade 6s will visit Simon Fraser on March 22nd.
A form has come home to grade 5 students and/or their youngest sibling about intentions for attendance at Dr. EW Coffin next year. Please fill this in and return it by Monday. Thank you.
Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned how to display a positive attitude and show team work.
How did you show what you learned?
We played with all of our classmates, took turns with the ring or puck, we helped each other up when we fell down. Some students shared their sticks. There was almost no complaining about the cooler weather and the deep snow.
What do you need to learn next?
We will continue to use these skills back at school and never give up even when things are hard.