1- Welcome Back Assembly is tomorrow at 10am
2 - Fresh Air Friday - we will be outside and working in Whispering Woods. Please come dressed for the weather and have proper outdoor footwear.
3 - Field trip to the Police Interpretive Center is on Thursday Sept. 20th - please e mail Mrs. Saunders if you would like to volunteer.
4- Annual Welcome Back BBQ will be on Thursday Sept 13th - 5pm - 7pm - notices will be sent home tomorrow.
We are working hard to establish routines with our students. One routine we could use parent help with is our dismissal routine of students going out their classroom’s assigned door. This is the door that we also enter the school when we come to school. If parents are meeting students at the end of the day, we ask that parents meet students outside their dismissal door or establish a meeting spot somewhere outside. We are hoping our main door will become a door used only when parents are picking students up for appointments or when they have business in the office. Thank you for your help establishing this new routine with our students.

What did you learn today?
We learned how it is important to be observant as a witness to events and as a detective. We also learned to try and not be distracted by the extra details.
How did you show what you learned?
We were shown a video and we were asked to count something...
What do you need to learn next?
If you would like to try it, here is the link: