Thursday, May 02, 2019

C. C. = Corvus Corax

1 - Read 20 minutes each night - You can use Raz kids if you have an account. 

2 - Math Homework - the last page is due tomorrow 
We will work on our Petting Zoo assignment more tomorrow. 
3 - Family Dance info came home - the family invitation needs to be signed and returned. Also, the grade 5/6s have been asked to help out with the stations. Please read the blue form and email your reply if your child is interested in helping at the dance. The Dance is this Friday!

4 - Grade 6 Story and News Article PAT is Wednesday May 8th (next week). Get ready to write :-)

Fresh Air Friday - The weather is looking better but please come dressed in layers as we will be outside working on our caring for the trees project. 

Learning IntentionWhat did you learn today?
We learned how to organize our desks and binders.
How did you show what you learned?
We learned this from our Occupational Therapist - Allison. She had a presentation about how to stay organized. We debated whether to use chronological order to organize our papers or not. 
What do you need to learn next?
We need to maintain what we learned today and try and keep things where they belong.