Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tree Cookies Aren't Tasty

1) Math - complete the whole booklet for tomorrow 
Prime Number fill in sheet - due tomorrow
Zoo signed and returned 
2) Mark Your Calendars - Outdoor School is June 4 -7
Forms are due May 22nd. Also, please pay the fee on line. 

3) Exam Bank is now open for our Grade 6 students:
Username - ewcoffin
Password - coffin

4) Fun Lunch is Thursday

5) Room 7 treat Day is next Tuesday - what will YOU make/bring?

6) See if you can check this out at home - 

7) Page on the Iroquois Confederacy will be due tomorrow - you will get time in class

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned about Tree Cookies. 
How did you show what you learned?
We received a special gift from the Polski's - our Outdoor School Name Tags - Tree Cookies. 
We also learned the story a tree cookie can tell about the life of a tree- the growing conditions, how old it is and any environmental factors - like a fire or insects. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will each get our own tree cookie and decorate it with our Nature Name and our own name.