1) The University of Calgary "Fixing the Atmosphere" group joined us today to introduce the Bio Reactors once again this year. We will be working with them for the next 3 weeks.
2) Grade 6 please be working through Exam Bank questions
login - ewcoffin
password - coffin
3) Tomorrow - will be a Practice PAT for the story and News Article for grade 5 and 6
4) Thursday May 10th - will be the real PAT for the grade 6s
5) Tomorrow is the grade 3/4 learning celebration at 11 am
6) We are headed to the Medicine Wheel on Nose Hill this Friday. Field trip forms came home yesterday - these must be returned ASAP. Thanks.
7) Mark your calendars - Thursday May 17th is our field trip to Fish Creek Park

Learning Intentions
What did you learn today?
We learned about Chromatography.
How did you show what you learned?
We did an experiment using spinach and rubbing alcohol. We dipped a coffee filter into the very green solution and watched the colors separate. Green showed the chlorophyll and the yellow showed the Xanthophyll.
What do you need to learn next?
We will observe the Bio Reactor in the library over the next week and then the scientists will be back next Wednesday.