1) Grade 6 please be working through Exam Bank questions to prepare for your June PATs
www.exambank.com We recently purchased another set of logins. Students have been using the exam bank practice tests and we are happy to know they are being well used.
login - ewcoffin
password - coffin
this is italics printing - it is used when an author wants words to stand out or to be highlighted, maybe a word of interest and could be used for different thoughts.
2) Novel Recommendation is due June 6th
3) Social - Students MUST ask family members questions to learn more about their immigration story. This work is happening in class now and if they don't have any information it is making it hard to work in class.
4) Grade 6 - 3 pages of Math homework
Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
The Grade 5s started working with our Groundwater model today. Thanks to Rowan's mom for lending it to us and setting it up. We are excited to see what kinds of experiments we can do with the model over the next few weeks. Plus we love the calming sound the water pump makes :-)
The Grade 6s are looking at Input/Output machines in math. This is always a fun why to work with numbers and try and find all the different rules. We look forward to making some of our own Input/Output equations.

Students worked in a variety of groups to accomplish things from the Class To Do List. There is a lot going on right now for Room 6 and 7. So we are taking any opportunity to get different things finished.