Thursday, October 18, 2018

Let's Rake!

Fresh Air Friday tomorrow 
Mrs. Hamby has presented us with a unique opportunity. Mr. Andrews a former Dr. Coffin teacher has lived on Beaver Road for the past 46 years - he is 92! Mrs, Hamby came to us and wondered if we would be interested in doing some community service and helping out a friend of Dr. Coffin school. 
Who: Room 7 Students, Mrs. Saunders and any interested parent volunteers
When: tomorrow at 9:30am - 10:30am - ish
Where: Mr. Andrew's yard - 10 minute walk from the school 
Why: See above and ask me more about it
What to Bring - bring a leaf rake if you have one and can get it here safely!!!! Bring a compost bag if you have one, bring a pair of gardening gloves if you have them (Dr. Coffin does have a set), wear your Dr. Coffin Hoodie or T shirt if you would like, maybe wear a long sleeve shirt if you would like. Bring a water bottle and your snack. 

1 - Read 20 - 30 minutes everyday - this includes reading to self, reading to others and listening to reading.
2 - We will be hosting our Literacy Night tonight - from 6 - 7pm. All grade K - 6 Students are welcome to bring their parents to share with them what we do in literacy each day at school. 
3- School Council notice came home tonight to the Oldest and Only students. 

Mark your calendars - we are heading to the Nose Hill Public library on Friday Nov. 2nd

We are currently looking at Place Value in math (Grade 5 - will look at numbers up to One Million and grade 6s will look at numbers greater than One Million.) We want to ensure we understand the place and value of large numbers prior to looking at operations involving numbers.
So, over the next few weeks you can do a few things to feel ready for operations - practice your basic multiplication facts!!! Grade 5 - please practice your basic facts up to 10x10 and grade 6s please practice your basic facts up to 12x12.
Here are a few resources to try at home:
If you love music and rhyming - these YouTube videos can be fun and helpful -
There are also apps you can purchase - is one example
You can also see what Mathletics has to offer

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned about the characteristics of a democracy: past and present.
How did you show what you learned?
We used various resources to look up the information: textbook, the new Chromebooks,books from the library, dictionaries, etc. From this information, we made a list. 
What do you need to learn next?
We want to learn more about a democracy that only allowed male citizens to vote???