Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jelly Beans from our Buddies

1) Have your  Book Club work ready for Wednesday April 4th 

2) Have your Science and math test signed and returned after the break. 

3) If you are submitting a writing piece to the Martyn Godfrey Writing Competition, remember it is due to Mrs. Kidd today

4) City Science Fair participants - please review the CYSF sheet that came home today. Please share it with your parents 

5) Students in Learning Strategies need to finish their Raz Kids reading by Tuesday April 3rd. 

6) No school for students on Friday

We will be starting Classroom Chemistry as well as Measurement after the break. 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
During robotics, we learned that sometimes you work better (or worse) if you are under a time constraint.
How did you show what you learned?
We struggled through programming and building and reprogramming and rebuilding our robots. 
What do you need to learn next?
We need to show our final robot talent on the Tuesday we come back from the break. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Mrs. Saunders is the Fastest Skier in Room 7

1) Have your  Book Club work ready for Wednesday April 4th 

2) Have your Science and math test signed and returned by tomorrow

3) If you are submitting a writing piece to the Martyn Godfrey Writing Competition, remember it is due to Mrs. Kidd today

4) City Science Fair participants - please review the CYSF sheet that came home today. Please share it with your parents 

5) Students in Learning Strategies need to finish their Raz Kids reading by Tuesday April 3rd. 

6) No school for students on Friday
We will be starting Classroom Chemistry after the break. 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
The grade 5s continued to learn how to add and subtract decimals. 
How did you show what you learned?
We did this  by using white boards and talking about how we all arrived at our right and wrong answers. We learned from each others' mistakes and we also learned how to make sure we stack our numbers correctly to prove we understand place value. 
What do you need to learn next?
We like to use larger numbers. We would like to keep practicing. We would like to Quick Quiz to show all that we know. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spinning Stories

1) Have your  Book Club work ready for tomorrow's meeting. 

2) There will be a social quiz on Wednesday. You have a  review sheet to study from. 

3) If you are submitting a writing piece to the Martyn Godfrey Writing Competition, remember it is due to Mrs. Kidd by TOMORROW

4) City Science Fair participants meet tomorrow at lunch - again :-)

5) Students in Learning Strategies need to finish their Raz Kids reading by Tuesday April 3rd. 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
Our grade 6s learned about dividing decimals. We talked about using different strategies... For example, we talked about observing the decimal rising. 
How did you show what you learned?
We copied out a lot of examples and Mr. P explained the various strategies. We did an example by ourselves.
What do you need to learn next?
We will do more examples and use our knowledge in problem solving situations. 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Amazing Day - Amazing Kids!!!

1) We have begun our Book Club work. Make sure you know what page your group needs to read to by Monday. 
2) There will be a social quiz on Wednesday. We will review on Tuesday for the quiz. 

3) Tomorrow is treat day - don't forget your quarter.

4) If you are submitting a writing piece to the Martyn Godfrey Writing Competition, remember it is due to Mrs. Kidd by Wednesday

5) City Science Fair participants meet tomorrow at lunch

6) Our student teachers started today - Mrs. Baker and Mr. Gilbert

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned that confidence and hard work pay off.
How did you show what you learned?
Some of us rode the chair lift for the first time. On the steep part some of us had to tap our poles before we did a jump turn. Some of us tired 360 turns. Some of us landed on our feet after going on one of the boxes. 
What do you need to learn next?
We need to focus on the things our instructors told us to. Please have a look at my Progression Card. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Neato the Robo-Vacuum Came to Visit

1) We have begun our Book Club work. Make sure you know what page your group needs to read to by Monday. 
2) There will be a social quiz on Wednesday. We will review on Tuesday for the quiz. 

3) We have our 3rd and final Ski day on Monday March 19th. Remember to come to school prepared with layers and dressed for the weather. If it is warm, please pack extra mitts as they may get wet. Also, don't forget to bring your lunch, water bottle and extra snack. Wear your jacket with your progression card and your lift ticket. You might want to wear sun screen on your face. 
If you'd like to buy a snack or treat or hot chocolate at the hill on Monday, please bring a few dollars. You can't buy your lunch but a snack would be ok. This money will be your responsibility. 

4) If you are submitting a writing piece to the Martyn Godfrey Writing Competition, remember it is due to Mrs. Kidd by Wednesday

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned how hard it is to walk in deep snow without snow shoes. 
How did you show what you learned?
We helped the grade 3/4s create a large maze in the snow near Whispering Woods. We tried to tamp it down with the snow shoes and then we played tag. It was WAY harder to move in the snow without snowshoes and we are exhausted :-)
What do you need to learn next?
We need to finish learning more about First Nation people and how they adapted to moving around in deep snow.  

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Table Talk Math - Ask a Grade 5

1) We have begun our Book Club work. Make sure you know what page your group needs to read to by Monday. 
2) There will be a social quiz on Wednesday. We will review Friday and Tuesday for the quiz. 
3) We have our 3rd and final Ski day on Monday March 19th. 

Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday - please dress for the weather. Don't forget snow pants, gloves, hats,  etc. make these days WAY more fun. 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We read a lot of Wrinkle in Time today. We learned that Charles Wallace is being hypnotized by the Man with Red eyes. Calvin and Meg are trying to stop him from being taken over by this strange man with a Doug Smile.
How did you show what you learned?
We listened to Mrs. Saunders read the book and we can follow along in a copy or draw events and characters in our visual journals. 
What do you need to learn next?
We need to finish the book by spring break so we can all watch the movie :-) 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Alice In Wonderland


1) We have begun our Book Club work. Make sure you know what page your group needs to read to by Monday. 
2) Can you find an example of a unique job that a robot can do? 
3) There will be a social quiz on Wednesday. We will review Friday and Tuesday for the quiz. 
4) We have our 3rd and final Ski day on Monday March 19th. 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned that bouldering/traversing is physically hard. 
How did you show what you learned?
We learned this by climbing on our new Climbing wall in the gym. 
What do you need to learn next?
We look forward to trying more moves tomorrow in gym and using it during our Jungle Safari next week. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Robots, Robots Everywhere!

1) Visit to Simon Fraser on Wednesday morning to view Alice In Wonderland - we will leave the school at 9:15am and will be back around 11:45. 
2) We are working on operations with decimals: Grade 5s should practice questions like, 23.54 + 71.39 = ______
Grade 6 should practice a question like, 0.9 x 75 = ______
3) We have begun our Book Club work. Make sure you know what page your group needs to read to by Monday. 
4) Can you find an example of a unique job that a robot can do? 
5) There will be a social quiz coming up in the next week. 

Learning Intention 
What did you learn today?
Some of us learned how to get the light sensor to work. 
How did you show what you learned?
We used the instruction booklet as well as help in the program. The best way to learn how to do something with our robot was to ask other groups how they solved a similar problem. 
What do you need to learn next?
We can't wait to test this out tomorrow. 

Friday, March 09, 2018

Wrinkle in Time: Movie or Book?

1) Grade 5s - please fill in and return the yellow sheet about planning for next year. 

2) Social Studies Fur Trade homework if you didn't get it done in class - this is due Monday

3) Visit to Simon Fraser on Wednesday morning to view Alice In Wonderland

4) Tax receipts for lunch hour care went home today

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned that it takes confidence to stand in front of our peers and share our poetry. 
How did you show what you learned?
We had our 2nd outdoor Poetry Slam
What do you need to learn next?
We would like to write another poem and share at another Poetry Slam. 

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Simon Fraser Visit Today

1) GRADE 6 students - don't forget to take your parents to the Simon Fraser open house tonight. You can show them all you learned today during your visit. 

2) Electricity quiz will be tomorrow - please look over the review sheet and let me know if you have any questions. 

3) Grade 5s - please fill in and return the yellow sheet about planning for next year. 

4) Social Studies homework if you didn't get it done in class. 

Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday - please come dressed so you will be comfortable and warm tomorrow morning. 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned about treble clefs and base clefs in music today and we also learned about the musical alphabet. 
How did you show what you learned?
We wrote them on a white board and drew them out on whiteboards.
What do you need to learn next?
We will continue to work on music theory. 

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Another Beautiful Day!


1) Students had another amazing day at the ski hill today! They worked hard, listened well and demonstrated excellent attitudes towards learning this new skill. 

2) GRADE 6 students - we are going to Simon Fraser from 12:00 - 2:00 tomorrow. 

3) Electricity quiz will be this Friday - please look over the review sheet and let me know if you have any questions. 

4) Grade 5s - please fill in and return the yellow sheet about planning for next year. 

Learning Intention 
What did you learn today?
We continued to learn new skills today and worked really hard. 
How did you show what you learned?
We spent the day at COP for our 2nd of 3 ski/snowboard lessons. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will have our last lesson March 19th 

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Post Title

1) We will head back to COP for day 2 of our ski/snowboard lessons tomorrow. We had a wonderful day. Kids were well dressed and ready to learn! Please come prepared again

2) GRADE 6 students - we are going to Simon Fraser from 12:00 - 2:00 on Thursday March 8th. 

3) Electricity quiz will be this Friday - review sheets will go home today!

4) Grade 5s - please fill in and return the yellow sheet about planning for next year. 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned that the tallest person in a marching band is the the Drum Major!
How did you show what you learned?
We attended the Royal Canadian Artillery Band at the Bella Concert Hall at Mount Royal University. We listened to various movie songs that most of us recognized. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will talk about our visit with Mr. O'Reilly next music class and some of us are inspired to try a new instrument or maybe join a band. 

Monday, March 05, 2018

Great Day at the Hill!

1Field trip to the Bella Concert Hall at Mount Royal is on Tuesday March 6th. You must fill in the additional form coming home today! It has to be signed and returned first thing tomorrow morning. 
If you have a  Dr. Coffin shirt or hoodie or a blue shirt, please wear these for the concert tomorrow. 
Also, bring a small snack in your coat pocket to have before we arrive at the Bella Concert Hall. 

2) We will head back to COP for day 2 of our ski/snowboard lessons. We had a wonderful day. Kids were well dressed and ready to learn! 

3) GRADE 6 students - we are going to Simon Fraser from 12:00 - 2:00 on Thursday March 8th. 

4) Electricity quiz will be next Friday - review sheets will go home today!

5) Grade 5s - please fill in and return the yellow sheet about planning for next year. 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned it is important to keep trying even when it felt too hard. 
How did you show what you learned?
We went to COP ski/snowboard lessons. 
What do you need to learn next?
We need to go to lesson #2 and learn new skills and practice stuff we already learned. 

Friday, March 02, 2018

Fresh Snow = Mrs. Saunders' Dream Lesson

1) Skiing and Snowboarding - If you are bringing  your own equipment, please label all pieces. You may start bringing your equipment on Friday or first thing Monday morning. Please ensure you have made the payment online. - See note at the bottom of the page...

2) Field to the Bella Concert Hall at Mount Royal is on Tuesday March 6th. 

3) GRADE 6 students - we are going to Simon Fraser from 12:00 - 2:00 on Thursday March 8th. 

4) Electricity quiz will be next Friday - review sheets will go home Monday!

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned and proved that snowflakes have 6 sides (like a hexagon), they are symmetrical and no 2 are alike just like 'Snowflake Bentley' learned over 100 years ago. 
How did you show what you learned?
We took our very scientific tool (black card stock) outside and collected snowflakes. We used magnifying glasses and pencils to observe and record the different snowflakes we found. Lots were broken but we did get to see a few intact snowflakes. 
What do you need to learn next?
We started to wonder about lines of symmetry and how to prove how many lines of symmetry a hexagon actually has. 

Check out Dr. EW Coffin's twitter account for images of today -

Plans for Skiing/Snowboarding on Monday at 9am – COP

What to Wear – snow pants, winter jacket (this jacket needs to be the same one each time as students will be given a lift ticket and a progression tag they will need for all 3 lessons March 5, 7 and 19) , wear layers underneath, gloves (2 pairs could be a good idea), face mask or beleclava, thin toque to go under your helmet, 1 layer of warm socks, neck warmer.

Equipment – if you are bringing your own, please ensure you label everything. Otherwise, COP will provide all necessary equipment. You may bring wrist guards if you wish, these will not be provided to you. Helmets are mandatory!!! And will be provided to you if needed.

What to Bring –
Lunch, extra snacks, water bottle,

Backpack to carry lunch, water and extra clothes or socks.

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Canadian Climber

Tomorrow is Fresh Air Friday - please remember to dress for the weather!

1) Thank you to all the students and their families who were able to attend our Learning Celebration last night. We enjoyed watching the students share their hard work with you. 

2) Skiing and Snowboarding - If you are bringing  your own equipment, please label all pieces. You may start bringing your equipment on Friday or first thing Monday morning. Please ensure you have made the payment online.

3) Field trip form to the Bella Concert Hall at Mount Royal is coming home today. The field trip is next Tuesday March 6th. These forms are due on Friday please. 

4) GRADE 6 students - we are going to Simon Fraser from 12:00 - 2:00 on Thursday March 8th. 

5) Check for Understanding on Percents is tomorrow.

6) Electricity quiz will be next Friday - review sheets will go home tomorrow!

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned what a Tesser is. It is the 5th dimension - It is the concept of Time Squared - It is A Wrinkle in Time. 
How did you show what you learned?
We read most of chapter 5 and there were drawings to help us understand what a wrinkle in time is. 
What do you need to learn next?
Mrs. Saunders left off on a cliffhanger so we want to finish chapter 5 tomorrow.