Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ship Shape - Ponyo

1) Science Fair permission form due Friday Nov. 3rd
2) School Council cheque writing campaign due Nov. 3rd
3) Math quiz and Social Studies map need to be signed and returned
4) Orders for Photos due Nov. 7th
5) Edit Fun - Due Thursday

For those grade 6 students attending WE Day on Wednesday Nov. 1st - Our School's WE Day code is WE Code: AAE824 if you want to register yourself. You DO NOT have to do this.
Also, bring a lunch, snacks and a water bottle in your backpack. You may also want to bring a food item and/or old batteries as there will be collection bins at the Saddledome. 
Don't forget ear plugs if you want them. 
Please wear your Dr. Coffin T-Shirt or something green or white so we can identify each other. Our bus is leaving at 7:45 so please be at school at 7:30 on Wednesday morning. The bus will not wait! We should be back at school around 3:00 - 3:15 on Wednesday. Please dress for the bus ride and to be inside the Saddledome all day. 
Any questions let Mr. P or Mrs. Saunders know.

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We watched the movie Ponyo this afternoon. 
How did you show what you learned?
We learned that it is a movie made in Japan using real animation techniques. We also know that it is based on the Little Mermaid story. The director and writer, named Hayao miyazaki, is famous and very talented. 
What do you need to learn next?
We have about 30 minutes left so we will finish it as a class on Thursday. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween Eve....

1) Science Fair permission form due Friday Nov. 3rd
2) School Council cheque writing campaign due Nov. 3rd
3) Math quiz and Social Studies map need to be signed and returned

Halloween Plans -  Consider your audience while dressing for Halloween on Tuesday afternoon - no weapons, scary masks, etc. You will have a chance to get dressed after lunch tomorrow. Or feel free to wear black and orange if you'd prefer. 
In the afternoon, we will start with a school wide parade and go through the library where there will be pumpkins displayed and we can get to see everyone's costumes. We will watch a movie in the afternoon, please bring a small special treat for yourself for the movie. 

For those grade 6 students attending WE Day on Wednesday Nov. 1st - Our School's WE Day code is WE Code: AAE824 if you want to register yourself. You DO NOT have to do this.
Also, bring a lunch, snacks and a water bottle in your backpack. You may also want to bring a food item and/or old batteries as there will be collection bins at the Saddledome. 
Please wear your Dr. Coffin T-Shirt or something green or white so we can identify each other. Our bus is leaving at 7:45 so please be at school at 7:30 on Wednesday morning. The bus will not wait! We should be back at school around 3:00 - 3:15 on Wednesday. Please dress for the bus ride and to be inside the Saddledome all day. 
Any questions let Mr. P or Mrs. Saunders know.

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We continued with our skipping routines in gym today. 
How did you show what you learned?
We are working in a small group to create a routine that has 3 separate moves by each person and all members must be involved. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will start performing these for our classmates in gym tomorrow. 

Friday, October 27, 2017

Another Beautiful, Sunny FAF

1) Science Fair introductory meeting Monday Oct. 30th
2) POW due Monday
3) School Council cheque writing campaign due Nov. 3rd
4) Sign and correct math quiz by Monday please
5) Consider your audience while dressing for Halloween on Tuesday afternoon

For those students attending WE Day on Wednesday Nov. 1st - Our School's WE Day code is WE Code: AAE824

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned about the different points on a compass and how these relate to landmarks in our school field. 
How did you show what you learned?
We used the compass points to determine wind direction.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to apply this understanding to where the wind is coming from.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

PJ Party

1) POW is due Monday
2) Fresh Air Friday Tomorrow - come dressed for the weather! Layers are important! Bring an extra snack and your water bottle
3) Social Map coloring due tomorrow

Learning Intentions
What did you learn today?
We started to practice and preform our CBC music challenge during music today. 
How did you show what you learned?
We made a plan and set the instruments up and we will record it and we are going to WIN!!!!
What do you need to learn next?
We need to finish our video and submit it. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wetland Wednesday

Spelling due tomorrow
Stuffie, PJ Day is tomorrow
POTW - Due Monday

What did we learn today?
We took the sections of wetlands and divided into categories, floating, submergent, and emergent. From there we found plants and animals that belonged in each group.

How did we show what we learned?
We researched each category

What we need to do next?
Continue on with our research

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Ticket Out Monday ...yesterday!

1)  Grade 6 WE Club members from 2016-2017 will be attending WE Day on Nov. 1st. Stay tuned for field trip information and forms. We will need to leave the school at 7:45. You must be at school by 7:30!!!!!!
2) Stuffy and PJ Day - Oct. 26th
3) Finish your Wetland art by Wednesday 
4) Edit Fun is due tomorrow
5)  Spelling due Thursday 

Our next math unit will be looking at Place Value! We will look at Expanded form, word form and numeral form.

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We listened to our novel study, The Jungle Book, on an audio app from the Calgary Public Library. 
How did you show what you learned?
We used our visual journals and we sketched pictures of what we are hearing in the story. Some students chose to follow along in actual novels and some students chose to just listen. 
What do you need to learn next?
We are having a hard time understanding what is happening. We need to discuss this with a small group OR we could look up some of the harder words in the dictionary OR ask to use the book more often and read along with it OR maybe Mrs. Saunders could read some sections. 

Haloween is a Holiday? that many peopel observe on the last day of october evry year Children and adult’s dress in costumes and go door to-door asking for candy. some people hoste partys and serve halloween treats such as caramel apples pup corn, and cidar. Others celabrate by telling scarey stories or watchin spookey movees. this is me favorit dey of da yaer” exclaim one chylde

Monday, October 23, 2017

Come and See our Wetland Mural knowledge

1)  Grade 6 WE Club members from 2016-2017 will be attending WE Day on Nov. 1st. Stay tuned for field trip information and forms. We will need to leave the school at 7:45. You must be at school by 7:30!!!!!!

2) Treat day is tomorrow  - Oct. 24 - bring your quarter
3) Stuffy and PJ Day - Oct. 26th
4) Finish your Wetland art by Wednesday 
5) Edit Fun is due Wednesday 

Our next math unit will be looking at Place Value! We will look at Expanded form, word form and numeral form.

Learning Intention 
What did you learn today?
We write in our journal twice a week. By doing this we learn, proper sentences, punctuation, spelling and how to generate ideas into paragraphs. 
How did you show what you learned?
We write responses to a question or a prompt on the white board. 
What do you need to learn next?
We receive feedback and ideas about our writing from Mrs. Saunders (when she finally reads them;-)

Friday, October 20, 2017

Windy Wetland

1)  Grade 6 WE Club members from 2016-2017 will be attending WE Day on Nov. 1st. Stay tuned for field trip information and forms. We will need to leave the school at 7:45. You must be at school by 7:30!!!!!!

2) Treat day next week - Oct. 24 - bring your quarter
3) Stuffy and PJ Day - Oct. 26th
4) What is pH?

Our next math unit will be looking at Place Value!

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned the pH of the water and the amount of dissolved ions at Shaganappi Pond. We also identified habitats and looked for signs of animal life. 
How did you show what you learned?
We were given an opportunity from a fellow students' parents to use real scientific tools to test the pH and the electrical conductivity of the water. 
What do you need to learn next?
On Monday, we will share our habitat findings, pH levels and the electrical conductivity of the water in the 3 different locations of our local wetland from today.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

EDO Fun Lunch - Teacher, Student and Parent

1) FAF tomorrow - we are walking over to the pond to observe animal habitats and possibly do some pond dipping - What could still be visible under the surface of the water?
Come dressed for the weather and in layers and with good walking shoes! Bring a water bottle and an extra snack.
2) Grade 6 WE Club members from 2016-2017 will be attending WE Day on Nov. 1st. Stay tuned for field trip information and forms.
3) Treat day next week - Oct. 24

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We had our first math quiz today. It was about angles, lines and polygons.
How did you show what you learned?
We complete the quiz in 35 minutes. We worked on our own and asked questions if we were unsure. We did all the questions we knew first and then went back to the ones we were unsure of. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will get our marks back from Mrs. Saunders and start our next math unit.... what's our next math unit????

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Scientific Sketches

1 - Healthy Hunger tomorrow
2 - Pond visit on Friday
3 - Math quiz tomorrow
4 - Spelling is due tomorrow

Learning Intention 
What did you learn today?
We discussed the criteria to follow when we create our Enhanced Story. 
How did you show what you learned?
We thought about criteria or guidelines on our own, then shared with our friends and then as a class. We watched a video about a class who has done a similar project to help solidify our ideas. We took pictures of the original version of our story and put them into Google Slides - ask me to see how the story looks now. 
What do you need to learn next?
We need to use our criteria to begin planning our Enhanced Story. We need to create a storyboard first and then do our rough drafts - sounds like how a 'real' writer writes :-)

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

I'm Voting for You!

1.   Spelling- due Thursday
2.   Picture day is tomorrow
3.   Math quiz on Thursday on triangles
4.   Fun lunch on Thursday
1.   What did we do today?
In Social Studies, we learned the results about the student vote and actual vote. We started a worksheet on the three levels of government. Check Room 6 for the results! 
2.   How did we show what we learned?
We ran through the facts and the percentages of the election. 
3.   What will we do next?
We have to finish our worksheet.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Little Buddies Give us Feedback

1) Monday - no school for students
2) Wednesday - School photos
3) Thursday - our first Fun Lunch - provided by Healthy Hunger

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We set up our Weather Watching chart that we will use each Friday to track weather at Dr. Coffin
How did you show what you learned?
We made a chart with 7 columns - date, temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, cloud type, wind direction and wind speed. We went outside with a thermometer. We also observed the off and on again snow. The most interesting part was watching the snow actually come and go. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will be tracking this every Friday. This will help us look for weather patterns, we can compare to temperatures from last year (maybe create a double bar graph) and we wonder if we will be able to make weather predictions based on our observations - sounds like a meteorologist! 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Let's Vote

1) Don't forget to order your Healthy Hunger for next week - https://www.healthyhunger.ca

2) Student Vote happened today - if you'd like to view the videos of the mayors answering the questions, you can find them here https://www.youtube.com/user/StudentVote/playlists?sort=dd&view=50&shelf_id=63
3) Quick Quiz on Triangles, angles, Lines and Shapes - next week

Fresh Air Friday is tomorrow - We will share our book with our buddy first and then head outside for Weather tracking and to look at animal homes in Whispering Woods. Please come dressed for the weather as we will be outside most of the day tomorrow.

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We had our student vote for the Mayor of Calgary today. 
How did you show what you learned?
We had students take on the role of Deputy Returning officer, ballot clerk and Scrutinizer. All grade 5/6 students received a ballot, they went behind the voter screen and placed an X in the circle of their choice for Mayor.
What do you need to learn next?
We will count our votes and see how closely we agree with the results of the citizens of Calgary who voted by next Monday. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Importance of Voting

1) Math - complete letters D and E on the tangram sheet
2) Don't forget to order your Healthy Hunger for next week - https://www.healthyhunger.ca

3) Student Vote will happen tomorrow afternoon - if you'd like to view the videos of the mayors answering the questions, you can find them here https://www.youtube.com/user/StudentVote/playlists?sort=dd&view=50&shelf_id=63
4) Quick Quiz on Triangles, Lines and Shapes - next week

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We spent time with Mrs. Kidd to learn about why she removes certain books from the library. MUSTIE - this is the acronym that she uses - can you remember what each letter stands for. 
How did you show what you learned?
We had an opportunity to view over 70 books that have Mrs. Kidd pulled from the shelves over the last 2 years. We each got to choose a book that we want to rewrite/re-illustrate so that it can go back into circulation in our library. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will read our chosen book with a peer and then with our little buddies on Friday. We will ask our little buddy questions about the book and why they think it was taken off the shelves. We then need to make a plan about a new plot and how to modify our book so that it gets a second chance. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Ticket Out Tuesday

1) Student Vote - Thursday afternoon
2) No School for Students on Monday Oct. 16th (Election Day)
3) a, b and c for math is due tomorrow.

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We have chosen the contribution we will make to our Wetland board (ask me what I chose and why?)
How did you show what you learned?
We made plans - paper size, animal, insect or plant choice, pencil, charcoal, pencil crayons, etc. 
What do you need to learn next?
We need to make responsible art choices so that Mrs. Saunders will let us do art again :-)

Friday, October 06, 2017

Long Weekend Ahead

1) No School Monday - Happy Thanksgiving
2) School Council Meeting - Tuesday Oct. 10th
3) Please research ways to draw the animal, insect, plant you want to sketch next week
4) The election is on Monday Oct. 16th. We will hold our Student Vote on Thursday Oct. 12th.

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We used our tangrams and needed to find these shapes in Whispering Woods. 
How did you show what you learned?
We put our tangrams on top of various shapes and then sketched those in our FAF journal. We needed to identify the types of shapes we used while we traced the piece of nature. 
Some of us found shapes within the branches. Then we couldn't trace it so we drew it out. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will continue to work with Tangrams next week. We are curious about how nature uses architectural design to create efficient homes and designs and how this links to the work of architects. 

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow Meow

1) Picture Day form came home today
2) Find out the candidates that are running for the upcoming election in your neighborhood. Also, find out where you and your parents will be going to vote.
3) Fresh Air Friday tomorrow - we will be outside in Whispering Woods for most of the morning so dress in layers. The mornings continue to be cool and it warms up. Bring your water bottle and a snack.

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We have music on Tuesday and Thursdays. 
How did you show what you learned?
We sang a song called Woods and it only has 4 lines. It repeats itself and adds different voices and different instruments as it goes on. 
What do you need to learn next?
We need to do the CBC challenge

Wednesday, October 04, 2017


1 - Edit Fun is due Thursday
2 - Social Studies - complete the debrief

We will be working with building shapes with Tangrams over the next few days. Please have yours ready to go for tomorrow. 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We had our first Quick Build activity today. 
How did you show what you learned?
We used 8 interlocking cubes to build a 3D shape that Mr. P showed us for 5 seconds. We had to build it from memory and our 3D spatial sense. We had to name various attributes of the shape and the discuss the strategies we used to build it. We did the same activity with 7 cubes the second time. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will do quick draw next week. 

In 1919, president woodrow Wilson proclamed November 11 armistice Day to celebrate the end of, the fighting in World War I. Congress change the name of Armistice Day in 1954 in order to include American vetarans of all wars. veterans, Day honors our countrys military men an women for there wilingness to help protect the United states Every year on this day, a national ceremony is, held exact at 11 a.m.

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Visit with Saa'kokoto

1 - Spelling is due tomorrow
2 - Edit Fun is due Thursday
3 - Look at the position of the Ursa Major (Big Dipper)

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We had a guest speaker today - Randy Bottle (Saa'Kokoto) from the Blackfoot Nation. We gave him an offering of tobacco as a sign of respect and protocol. Ask me what he will use it for? 
How did you show what you learned?
We learned that each time a Blackfoot person begins a different journey, they receive a new name. We also discovered that Blackfoot people don't have last names. 
What do you need to learn next?
He will be returning to our class. 
Some of us would like to learn more Blackfoot words or phrases. 
We will be reading his 2 books that he gave to our class. 
Some of us could bring things into share with our class. 
We would like to ask him more questions about residential schools. 

Monday, October 02, 2017

Knowledge #3

1 - Spelling due Wednesday
2 - Share with your parents what you wrote in your journal entry today - How does it make you feel when you help someone?
3 - By Thursday, you will need to choose the insect, plant, bird, etc that you want to investigate and learn more about.  Start looking into this at home so you will be able to create an art piece.
4 - Tomorrow is the last day to bring money for Terry Fox.

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We had our 4th POW of the year today. Some of us used Guess and Check to solve it. 
How did you show what you learned?
We worked with a lot of guessing and a lot of checking until we could prove our solution. We worked with the people around us to share ideas. 
Some of us were able to find a second and even a third solution. 
What do you need to learn next?
We would like to challenge our parents to try and solve it. :-) 