Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Ticket Out Monday ...yesterday!

1)  Grade 6 WE Club members from 2016-2017 will be attending WE Day on Nov. 1st. Stay tuned for field trip information and forms. We will need to leave the school at 7:45. You must be at school by 7:30!!!!!!
2) Stuffy and PJ Day - Oct. 26th
3) Finish your Wetland art by Wednesday 
4) Edit Fun is due tomorrow
5)  Spelling due Thursday 

Our next math unit will be looking at Place Value! We will look at Expanded form, word form and numeral form.

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We listened to our novel study, The Jungle Book, on an audio app from the Calgary Public Library. 
How did you show what you learned?
We used our visual journals and we sketched pictures of what we are hearing in the story. Some students chose to follow along in actual novels and some students chose to just listen. 
What do you need to learn next?
We are having a hard time understanding what is happening. We need to discuss this with a small group OR we could look up some of the harder words in the dictionary OR ask to use the book more often and read along with it OR maybe Mrs. Saunders could read some sections. 

Haloween is a Holiday? that many peopel observe on the last day of october evry year Children and adult’s dress in costumes and go door to-door asking for candy. some people hoste partys and serve halloween treats such as caramel apples pup corn, and cidar. Others celabrate by telling scarey stories or watchin spookey movees. this is me favorit dey of da yaer” exclaim one chylde