Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Pondering Shape and Space

1 - Pink shirts tomorrow - How did this campaign start?
2 - Fun Lunch due Feb 25
3 - Math homework - Draw an example of the 5 types of lines - parallel, intersecting, perpendicular, vertical and horizontal
4 - emailing Ms. Cowdy kjcowdy@cbe.ab.ca 

What did you learn today?
We learned that a rectangle can have the same area but a different perimeter. We noticed that the more compacted the shape has less of a perimeter. 
How did you show what you learned?
We found all possible rectangles with an area of 24. Next we applied what we knew to a dog run with an area of 60. 
What do you need to learn next?
We need to move on to angles and types of triangles. We are looking forward to applying our knowledge to our architecture project. 

In 1925, an sickness thraetened the children of Nome alaska. The only medicyne that could save them wuz all most 1,000 miles away. Travel by air wasnt posible, so a relay team of dog sleds were asembled to carry the medicine. For the final leg of this life-saveing trip, a husky named balto lead Gunnar Kaassen and a team of dogs threw bitter wind and cold. On February 2, Kaassen return to nome with the medecine.

Weekly Words:

1.   survival
2.   planning
3.   hydration
4.   shelter
5.   kindling

Weekly Exercises:
Crossword – 4: connect 4 and leave them blank [number each blank word at first letter, use definitions as hints to solve – across and down]
Sentences – 5
Define – 4 (see Crossword – 4 above)
Syllables - 4