Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Art, art and more art

1 - Grade 6's - here is your login information for the Exam Bank Website. Please begin to practice for the PATs in June using this website.
Username: ewcoffin
Exam Password: coffin
2 - If you have a lacrosse stick and want to use it during gym this week, please feel free to bring it with you. 
3 - Grade 6s - Answer your Yearbook questions for tomorrow
4 - Scholastic Book Order - Due June 1st
5 - Using the vocabulary words for the Social Studies Review - create a Crossword puzzle for Monday May 30th. 
6 - Grade 5s - Probability Placemat is due end of class Thursday
7 - June 2nd - We are heading to Nose Hill to do our final shelter build and have a picnic in our shelters. We will require volunteers to walk there and back with us as well as supervising the small groups. We will leave here at 9:30 and will be back by 2:00. Please let your classroom teacher know if you are available. 

Hello runners of the running club – please be ready to run from Dr. Coffin School to the walking bridge at Nose Hill next Wednesday, June 1st from 12:10 – 12:40. This will be a 2 km loop, if you are able to run more than 2 km (as many of you now are) we will continue to run once we get back to school. Thanks.

What did you learn today?
We have continued to learn lessons from our Privilege Day Teachers. 
How did you show what you learned?
We got to make Grumpy Cat Artwork pieces. And we got our other two assignments back and they were marked. 
What do you need to learn next?
We need to finish our Grumpy Cat art for the end of the day tomorrow and we are allowed to make adjustments and improvements to our previous art assignments and our 'teachers' will re-mark them.