Friday, March 10, 2017

"Room 7, it's cold outside...."

1) Percent quiz came home yesterday - please review it and have your parents sign it by Tuesday. 

2) Ratio booklet page 2 is due Monday

3) Social Studies- Questions 8 - 11 are due Monday. Mr. P will give some time on Monday at recess to work on it. 

4) March 14th - Ski/Snowboard Lesson - 9:00 - 3:00 Thank you for submitting your forms and money on time. If you haven't done so yet, please ensure you do by Monday. If you are bringing your own equipment, please ensure you label ALL items.  You can drop it off at school starting on Monday. Please bring it to room 7 and place it all on the risers. 

5) Tyler Enfield, the author of Wrush, is coming back to Dr. EW Coffin on Wednesday March 15th. You can now order copies of his books. 

6) Just a heads up - All Grade 6s will visit Simon Fraser on March 22nd for our grade 7 Transition Day. 

7) Grade 6 Farewell - Please fill in the volunteer commitment you are willing to take on and return the form by Tuesday. 

8) The family dance is on April 7th - an information package about it came home today. Please fill in the order form by March 17th. 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We began a mosaic art project today. We looked at pictures online to gain inspiration for our work. Some students have abstract pieces, some made actual shapes or realistic looking pictures. 
How did you show what you learned?
We are creating a mosaic with at least 4 different colors. From this we will determine a fraction, decimal, percent and ratio. This will display our math knowledge.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to complete the art project and determine the math conversions.