Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Skating Field Trip forms

1Reading each night - Raz Kids if you have it and don't forget our Novel Recommendations are due on Dec. 13. 
2) Social Pitch - these are being presented this week.
3) Battle Bunny - work on your manuscript - edit, edit, edit
4) Math tests corrected and signed by Thursday 
5) Division quick quiz will be later this week. 

6) Please bring your items for the Fill a Sock project - small items are best
Thank you SO much to all the families who have sent items in already! The bins are filling up quickly!!!

7) We will be going to the community rink on Friday - find your helmut - it MUST Be a skating helmet (CSA approved) and skates (no Sticks or pucks ). Field trip forms are due Thursday. We will need a few volunteers so check with your parents - they don't have to skate.