Thursday, March 07, 2019

Jungle Safari

1 - Read 20 minutes each night - on Raz Kids too if you are signed up

2 -  Think about where we see fractions and remember  the different ways of showing a fraction. 

3 - Sign and return your math quiz

4 - Fun Lunch will be on March 14th

5 - If you have extra baby oil - please bring it to school for our Vermeer art. 

6 - Field Trip forms due by Monday please

7 - Fresh Air Friday - come ready to play in the snow and be outside off and on all morning.
Also, we will use the baby oil with our Vermeer paintings - so pease come dressed in not your best outfit!

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
Our grade 6s learned about the different options that you can take at Simon Fraser - Their open house is tonight and so is Tom Baines.
How did you show what you learned?
Our Grade 6s walked down to Fraser and had lunch. They toured the school and learned lots about this Junior High option. 
What do you need to learn next?
We could attend the open house and we need to finish our year leaving a legacy at Dr. Coffin - what legacy do we want to leave? And for our Grade 5s what legacy do we want to set up for next year?