Friday, October 18, 2019


1) Science presentations will continue next week 
2) Treat Day - next Tuesday Oct. 22
3) Grade 6 - Vaccination forms due by Monday
4) Author/Illustrator visit on Oct. 30th
5) Grade 6 Vaccines on Oct. 30th
6) Oct. 31st in the afternoon students will be allowed to put on their costumes once the 12:57 pm bell rings. Please no weapons, blood or scary masks. You do not have to dress up if you do not want to.
7) Nov. 1st is a PD Day

8) Dr. Coffin School Cheque Writing Campgaign - please have your donations in by Monday Nov. 4th. Mrs. Saunders forgot to had these out today so she will do that on Monday :-)

FYI - On Monday October 21st in the afternoon, the grade 5/6 classes will go on a community walk to find evidence of election campaigning and look for examples of Parts of Speech in the campaign signs.

If your child participates in War Hammer club on Tuesdays after school, please make sure you are here at 4:30 to pick them up. Also, please plan a meeting spot so that your child knows where to come and find you at 4:30.

Author & Artist Visits!
Mark your calendar - Oct. 30 at 9 am!

Author Jace Jax and artist Henry Hama will be visiting our class! These local Calgarians will be reading their new book Kidsburgh Chronicles Little Jack Jarmagan: A Halloween Tale! Accompany young Jack Jarmagan as he encounters the creatures lurking in Kidsburgh on Halloween night! 

Books can be pre-ordered and purchased so you can follow along and enjoy it every Halloween! Order forms will be available. The books will be handed out during the day of the presentation. Purchases can also be made the day of the presentation. 

Gym - Ask me about volleyball.

Math - Ask me about different quadrilaterals

Social Studies - Ask me about the Student Vote! When are we going to vote on Monday?

Science - Ask me about a new ecosystem that I learned about this week?