Monday, March 30, 2020

Week 1 - Welcome Back

Room and 6 and 7 Students:

This week’s learning plan is as follows:
  1. Please answer these questions and email by Wednesday, April 1st:
Please discuss with your parents answers to the following questions and then prepare one (1) email to reply to your homeroom teacher: or 
In the email, please let us know the following things:
  1. How are things going? What have you been up to?  
  1. What is your family plan for learning-from-home? When do you think you will do your schoolwork? Where do you plan to do your school work? What challenges do you think you may encounter with learning from home?  
  1. ***What technology can you use for school work (eg. Computer, laptop, iPad, tablet etc.)? Do you have access to the internet? Is your only option a paper-based learning package? 
  1. ***Do you have access to a printer?  
  1. Are you able to log-in to your Google account? You will use your email address ending in and your school password (just like logging-in to the Chromebooks and Laptops at school).  
  2. Can you login to Raz Kids?
  3. Can you login to Mathletics?
2) Joke for this week: Q: What kind of dinosaur loves to sleep?
  A: A stega-snore-us.
3) Read 20 minutes every day - this can be ‘read to self’ or ‘read to others’

4) Play a math game or work on your basic facts - Grade 5 practice up to 9 x 9 and Grade 6 practice up to 12 x 12. You can make your own flashcards to practice