Friday, November 06, 2015

What is the formation on Nose Hill?

1 - Our Remembrance Day Assembly in on Tuesday at 10:45 - students need black (dark) pants and a white (light) top for Tuesday morning.
2 - Weather title page due Monday
3 - Sign or initial math test
4 - Choir form due Nov. 13
5 - Mrs. Saunders' math group - sign and return multiplication test.
6 - Mrs. Lee's math group - complete questions 1 - 7.

What did you learn today?
We discovered a unique and large rock pattern at the very top of Nose Hill. Using compasses we determined that the 4 triangles all pointed north. There were rocks that were red inside the triangles and some rocks had words printed on them. There was also artifacts in the center which we were curious about.  
How did you show what you learned?
We hiked over 7 km to the peak of Nose Hill and we happened upon it. 
Dear parents, your child did amazing today! It was chilly in the morning and everyone was well dressed and prepared for today. They walked a very great distance and not a single complaint! Way to go room 7 students!
What do you need to learn next?
Are there other rock formations like this on Nose Hill?
Who made this rock formation?
How would an anthropologist/archaeologist learn about what we discovered today?
Why is Nose Hill named Nose Hill?
Whats the story of the old rusty car? Can we go there next?
We found a rusty bucket... Where did it come from? How can we learn more about it?
How many 15 story + buildings are in Calgary?
Who graffitied the building under the radio tower?