Monday, May 01, 2017

1 more sleep... eeekkk!!

Prep for Outdoor School - Please READ!!!

You must bring a backpack. You need to pack a small pencil case with a couple of pencils, a few pencil crayons, an eraser and a sharpener. Also, you MUST have a water bottle.

Medications: any medication you are bringing from home must be placed in a labelled ziplock bag and instructions for how to administer and given to Mr. P tomorrow morning.

Don't forget your book for down times. Card games are great too.

No Digital Devices - cameras are great though.

- Luggage and bedding (pillow, sheet, sleeping bag) - it can be dropped off as early as 8:30 am tomorrow. You must be able to carry your bags all by yourself. Also, remember to label everything. There will be another school out there also, so we want to make sure we know what stuff is ours.
- Bus will leave by 9:30
- Lunch will be served shortly after our arrival.
- Clothing  - we realize the weather is looking great for the week! However, we still suggest packing clothing and footwear for rain, snow and sun. We are outside all day and into the evening... you don't want to cold or wet!!!! We also need to ensure we have hats and sunscreen.

Wednesday/Thursday - at camp :-)

- We leave Outdoor School after an early lunch on Friday.
- A parent or guardian or Millennium Kids is here to pick you up by 1:30 - 2:00 pm

****If you are not coming to camp, it is expected that you come to School and please join Ms. Cowdy and Miss Jones and have a great week. Don't forget, we are excited to see all your work on Monday.*****