Thursday, May 16, 2019

Enjoy Your Long Weekend


1) Math - complete the whole booklet for Tuesday 

2) Book Club - please complete your Week 2 readings and your job- by Tuesday next week.  

3) Mark Your Calendars - Outdoor School is June 4 -7
The SunShip Earth Participant Manual came home last week -  read it ALL over!!! 
The permission forms came home today. Also, the Strong Kids form came home with the forms. Please fill this in if covering the cost of Outdoor School is going to be difficult at this time. 
Forms are due May 22nd. 

4) Exam Bank is now open for our Grade 6 students:
Username - ewcoffin
Password - coffin

5) Fun Lunch is Thursday

6) No school Friday or Monday.

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned different strategies to study for tests and quizzes. 
How did you show what you learned?
We learned from Allison our Occupational Therapist. She had a presentation and gave us lots of good examples. 
What do you need to learn next?
Our grade 6s will apply this to the PATs and we can all use it during different unit quizzes. Also, if we don't understand a question (especially on Exam Bank) we will take a picture or screen shot and e mail it to Mrs. Saunders.