Thursday, June 06, 2019

Day 3 - pm

Another amazing day and the weather is cooperating!

They earned their EC DC IC A bracelets today and are so proud of themselves. You will have to ask them what each of the letters mean. 

Tonight we did a final campfire - kids have mixed emotions for sure. They are excited to see all of you, sleep in their own bed and have a long shower :-) but they will all be sad to say goodbye to camp life - outside all day, unplugged for a few days, family style eating, setting and clearing the tables (YES - they are doing it - all on their own and no one has to ask them twice ;-), predator/prey, camouflage, and they will also miss their time with their friends and their counsellors! But don't worry they really are most excited to see all of YOU!

Good night from Camp Chief Hector!