Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Cell phones vs toilets?

1 - Science device materials
2 - No School Friday - Spring Break

What did you learn today?
We learned how to filter and clean water in multiple ways. 
Did you know.... more people have access to cell phones than toilets? 
How did you show what you learned?
We made devices to either transport or filter water. We made these out of pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks and playdoh. We had a presenter from CAWST take us through a water workshop.
What do you need to learn next?
We would like to look into some more opportunities to help people have clean water all over the world. 

Does you like to “reach out and touch someone” by fone. You can thank Alexander graham bell! Bell was born in scotland on March 3 1847. When he was a boy, he designs a machine that cleaned wheat. Later when he was a teacher of the def, Bell developed the idea of “electronic speech.” He sent his first message to his assistant, Mr. Watson, who was in the next room always an inventor, Bells house even had simple air conditioning!

Weekly Words:

1.   architect
2.   unique
3.   creativity
4.   tarpaulin
5.   polyhedron

Weekly Exercises:

Syllables – 4
Sentences - 4
Define – 5
Find a synonym – 2
Leave some letters blank – 4

Scramble and share – 4