Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy Spring Break!

1 - Have a wonderful break with your friends and family.
2 - Bring home recorders and music.  Videotape yourself playing 3 belt songs over Spring Break and email to Mrs. Lim at  If possible, title your video with your name, room number, grade, and the belt you are testing for.
Check for more details.
3 - Novel Recommendation is due April 27th For book title ideas you could visit
4 - Science Due dates and Project timeline:
Science Device: finished tomorrow: Thursday, March 17
Science Device Presentation: Tuesday, March 29-Wed, March 30
Science Device Write up: Due when you present. You may want to work on it over March Break
Title Page: Due Thursday, March 31 marked and stapled neatly with  all your Science notes from the electricity unit
Email Question and Answer due March 31 (we should be emailing back and forth by now so I can help you improve your answers)

What did you learn today?
We worked on our team work skills during gym. We gave them 6 pieces of equipment to get their entire team to the other side of the gym.
How did you show what you learned?
We worked as a team to get across the gym without touching the ground. 
What do you need to learn next?
We want to apply these skills during our relay games after the break or maybe square dancing ;-)