Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Monkey Lisa

1- Read 20 minutes each night - You can use Raz kids if you have an account. 

2 - Please bring your airplane item if you haven't had your picture already

3 - Grade 6 - finish the booklet

4 - Grade 5 - write 1/10, 3/10 and 13/10 as a decimal
Try and write 35/100 as a decimal
5 - Spelling is due on Thursday

6 - DATE CHANGE -  April 24th - Outdoor School Meeting at 5:30pm

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We had a lesson about studying pictures to answer questions about characters, settings, moods, genres, and also learnt how to describe pictures in order to write our own stories in the future.
How did you show what you learned?
We answered questions and had discussions about the different features in each picture.
What do you need to learn next?
We need to learn how to create our own stories using our chosen picture prompts and tools such as word webs, outlines etc