Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Straws Suck

1 - Read 20 minutes each night - You can use Raz kids if you have an account. 

2 - Today - Wednesday April 24th - Outdoor School Meeting in the Library at 5:30pm - The YMCA rep will begin at 6pm

3 - Family Dance info came home today - the family invitation needs to be signed and returned. Also, the grade 5/6s have been asked to help out with the stations. Please read and return the blue form if your child is interested in helping at the dance. 

4 - Math tests - please review your quiz with your parents and have it signed and returned by Monday April 29

5 - News Articles - Due by Tuesday April 30th 

Learning Intention
What did you learn today?
We learned that the first PAT will not be as bad as we worried it would be. 
How did you show what you learned?
We figured out which laptop we would use, we looked at the Picture Prompt and News Article information, we planned with a peer or 2 or 3. We followed the timeline provided so we didn't run out of time. 
What do you need to learn next?
We will write the real PAT on May 8th