Monday, April 15, 2019

Rosie Reveer Engineer - Design Process - Paper Airplanes

1 - Read 20 minutes each night - You can use Raz kids if you have an account. 

2 - DATE CHANGE -  Wednesday April 24th - Outdoor School Meeting in the Library at 5:30pm - The YMCA rep will begin at 6pm

3 - some grade 5s received a yellow notice and the due date is April 15th please.

4 - Please share these with your families and watch the 2 other videos that we didn't get to in class today. We had Student Vote today and will find out our results !

5 - Math HW - Grade 5s - 2 pages that we started in math class this morning. Also, Grade 5's have a math quiz on Decimals - estimation, rounding, adding and subtracting greater than and less than. 
Grade 6 - complete 3 math questions
6 - April 18th is Fun Lunch

7 - Research different paper airplane designs - we will be building paper airplanes and our first contest will be about greatest distance (long, level flight)

What did you learn today?
How did you show what you learned?
What do you need to learn next?